Government Gives 3 Size Car Incentives

Karimun wogon R
Indonesian government must be able to express a production base cheap car. The move could make Indonesia created a niche market in other industries such as industrial components. 

If this leads to the concept, the government promised to provide incentives to achieve inexpensive and environmentally friendly cars (low cost green car / LCGC). 

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa said there are three measures that will encourage the government to provide incentives for automotive companies. If it just wants the same import lying, "he said when met after the coordination meeting at his office Migas, Jakarta, Thursday (19/09/2013). 

Third ukuaran are first, the company should be able to follow the road map for the national car (Mobnas). That is, the production of cheap cars should lead to the concept. 

Secondly, the company should be able to boost the production of cheap car export market oriented. By the way, Indonesia can be a cheap car production base. "Indonesia's rival Thailand, if we could have a chance to become the production base will certainly grow industrial components that are managed by the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)," he added. 

While the third measure is the production of low-cost cars should be able to reduce Indonesia's dependence on imported fuel oil (BBM), especially subsidized and reduce greenhouse gas effect aka green car. 

"If the premium was still wearing his name coup heart," he said. 

LCGC vehicles, he said, has been designed to use 92 RON fuel, known as PERTAMAX. "Wear a non-subsidized, so it does not overload the Indonesian subsidies," said Hatta. (Fik / Shd)
Tag : Karimun
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